Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
Solution: Using Sliding Window
Step 1

The current character is p
add it to frequencyMap
and compare the current window size with the frequencyMap
size, both are equal which means no characters is repeating in the current window.
Update the maxLength
to the current window size.
Let's continue to add more characters in the window.
Step 2

The current character is w
add it to frequencyMap
and compare the current window size with the frequencyMap
size, both are equal which means no characters is repeating in the current window.
Update the maxLength
to the current window size.
Let's continue to add more characters in the window.
Step 3

The current character is w
add it to frequencyMap
and compare the current window size with the frequencyMap
size, both are not equal which means some character is repeating in the current window. And hence, this is an invalid window and therefore we need to fix this. Let's start shrinking this window until we get frequencyMap
size equal to window size.
Step 4

After shrinking the window, the frequencyMap
size is still not equal to window size. Hence shrink it again.
Step 5

After shrinking it again, we have got frequencyMap
size equals to window size.
Now, try to update the maxLength
, but the maxLength
is already better than the current window size. So, it won't get updated. Let's continue to expand the window.
Step 6

The current character is k
add it to frequencyMap
and compare the current window size with the frequencyMap
size, both are equal which means no characters is repeating in the current window.
Try to update the maxLength
, but the maxLength
is already better than the current window size. So, it won't get updated. Let's continue to expand the window.
Step 7

The current character is e
add it to frequencyMap
and compare the current window size with the frequencyMap
size, both are equal which means no characters is repeating in the current window.
Update the maxLength
to the current window size.
Let's continue to add more characters in the window.
Step 8

The current character is w
add it to frequencyMap
and compare the current window size with the frequencyMap
size, both are not equal which means some character is repeating in the current window. And hence, this is an invalid window and therefore we need to fix this. Let's start shrinking this window until we get frequencyMap
size equal to window size.
Step 9

After shrinking the window, we have got frequencyMap
size equals to window size.
Now, try to update the maxLength
, but the maxLength
is already better than the current window size. So, it won't get updated. Let's continue to expand the window.
Step 10
The loop will be terminated as we don't have more elements to process.
Let's try to write code for the same.
Java Code
class Solution {
public int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {
int windowStart = 0;
int maxLength = 0;
Map<Character, Integer> frequencyMap = new HashMap<>();
for(int windowEnd = 0; windowEnd < s.length(); windowEnd++) {
char ch = s.charAt(windowEnd);
frequencyMap.put(ch, frequencyMap.getOrDefault(ch, 0) + 1);
while(frequencyMap.size() != (windowEnd - windowStart + 1)) {
char leftChar = s.charAt(windowStart);
frequencyMap.put(leftChar, frequencyMap.get(leftChar) - 1);
if(frequencyMap.get(leftChar) == 0) {
windowStart += 1;
maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, windowEnd - windowStart + 1);
return maxLength;
C++ Code
class Solution {
int lengthOfLongestSubstring(string s) {
int windowStart = 0;
int maxLength = 0;
map<char, int> frequencyMap;
for(int windowEnd = 0; windowEnd < s.size(); windowEnd++) {
char ch = s[windowEnd];
while(frequencyMap.size() != (windowEnd - windowStart + 1)) {
char leftChar = s[windowStart];
if(frequencyMap[leftChar] == 0) {
windowStart += 1;
maxLength = max(maxLength, windowEnd - windowStart + 1);
return maxLength;
Python Code
class Solution:
def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s: str) -> int:
windowStart = 0
maxLength = 0
frequencyMap = dict()
for windowEnd in range(len(s)):
ch = s[windowEnd]
frequencyMap[ch] = frequencyMap.get(ch, 0) + 1
while len(frequencyMap) != (windowEnd - windowStart + 1):
leftChar = s[windowStart]
frequencyMap[leftChar] -= 1
if frequencyMap[leftChar] == 0:
del frequencyMap[leftChar]
windowStart += 1
maxLength = max(maxLength, windowEnd - windowStart + 1)
return maxLength
Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the size of the string s
Space Complexity: O(1), though we have used a map but in the worst case scenario we end up storing only 26 alphabets which is a constant.